A Romantic At Heart

Despite the fact that I spend a large portion of my time on a ship, and spend most of that time finding out how soon I can reasonably get off that ship, I still am a sucker for a boat ride. Fishing boat, speed boat, yacht, row bow...really it doesn't matter, I love them all.

And when you combine that with some of my other favorite things (dressing up, eating, drinking and dancing..) well, let's just say you earn some major brownie points.

Last weekend my boyfriend took me on a Washington D.C. dinner cruise to celebrate my birthday, which passed during our last underway.

It was just perfect!!

It was fancy....

He was pleased with himself, remember what I said about brownie points?

I got to dress up!!

This is the only picture I have with the name of the boat since I was too excited to get on the thing to take pictures outside.

It was a gorgeous night with a perfectly timed sunset..

And after dinner, drinks! And really, what's a delectable dinner without Irish Coffee to follow?

We even took a turn around Georgetown. We may not be able to afford a thing there, but the view was sure nice.


And then, as if all this wasn't wonderful enough...Josh had even told the crew that it was my birthday...

Then, after a magical dinner we danced the night away with some very lovely people.

I can honestly say it was one of the best birthday presents I have ever been given!

So, if you're looking for something special to do for someone this is certainly something to consider. It's a little pricey so it's not an every weekend kind of thing..unless you're ballin' like that, in which case you should really share! 

In any case you can find everything you need here: DC Dinner Cruise

And it is certainly worth it! 

I hope all of your weekends are just as wonderful!!



One More Goodbye


Cherry Blossoms