An Engagement in the Park

This week I finally got around to taking engagement photos. Originally, I had an elaborate plan to take the photos at places that the Mr. and I had memories at.

But....then I remembered that neither of us is good at plans and that we're both fantastic at procrastinating.

And so, An Engagement in the Park. Hey, at least it sounds fancy. 


We had quite a few laughs trying to look natural in our Sunday best while the good people at our neighborhood park wondered what the hell we were doing.

The Mr. would like to be known as Trent Finnigan in this look. He was feeling rather saucy.

Oh Mr. Finnigan, you are dashing! (insert eye roll here)

He quite swept me off my feet!

If you are not a fan of cheesy romance, it's probably best if you stop scrolling now.


I'm warning you now, it only gets cheesier!!


Those adorable kissing photos we were going for? Yeah, those ended up being more like 'let's clean all this purple lipstick off of both our faces/teeth/beard/mustache' photos.


I'm so very happy with our engagement photos! My bridesmaid, Ashley, took them for us and I think she did a fantastic job!

Besides being a good friend of mine and a talented photographer, she also happens to make and sell the most adorable custom hair accessories! You can find those here.


Can you tell that the only thing we really take seriously is how much we love each other? I hope so:)

Thanks for letting me share my engagement photos with you guys!!


San Diego Lately: Vol I


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