Current Reads: From Blood & Ash Series

by Jennifer L. Armentrout

OK ok ok. I have been wanting to talk about this series for a while now because I have thoughts. MMMhmmm.

Bookstagram has been all about this series for a while now. I’ve seen so many amazing cosplays of Poppy and Hawke, so many great reels and of course reviews (which I have avoided because spoilers hide everywhere!).

And I finally started reading it and…don’t hate me… but I just could not get behind it! I had the hardest time pushing through in the beginning, I wasn’t a fan of the seemingly annoying nature of the mc and I found the love interest to have an overly inflated ego and a limited line of wit.

HOWEVER, I am SO happy I stuck with it because, hot DAMN did the author get me with that late game twist in the first book! Much of what I wasn’t a fan of in the beginning made so much more sense after that and I became fully invested in the characters. Plus it started to get a little * spicy * and I’m weak for that in a book. And the story that seemed a little lost in the beginning turned into a full on fantasy world with sweeping storylines. I may or may not have stayed up until 4AM recently reading book 2 in the series, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire.

Have you started reading this series? What did you think? Give me all your hot takes please and thank you!

Now excuse me, I have to go bury myself in Poppy and Hawke’s world - major things are happening there and who really needs sleep anyway right?


Christmas at Arthur’s Seat


Scotland in the Winter