Exploring Calistoga

After breakfast at the hotel, we strolled our way into town, just as it was waking up.

With shops just opening, only a few early risers out and about and the sunshine just starting to warm up the quaint little streets, it was perfect timing for some undisturbed exploring.

With just over 5,000 people and laws against building fast food franchises, Calistoga is the kind of place that does things like have trees where people can anonymously state their biggest dreams and past loves.

The kind of place that leaves the art museum open to peruse at will, with not an employee in sight. It's a refreshing change from what we see in the city, that's for sure.

While the art up front was interesting, it's not really my cup of tea. As you walk through though, the art is a little softer and more traditional, which is really more my style.

After admiring the gallery, we continued towards town and came across the most adorable shops set up in a (mock?) train station.

Surprisingly, the aptly named Sugar Train was open and neither of us could resist. What's a holiday without a little candy?

We left with bags bulging with chocolate frogs, Berrtie Botts every flavor beans and jelly bellys for me and Big League Chew and giant Sweet tarts for him.

We strolled, side by side, me munching on Jelly Bellys and exclaiming over my chocolate frog card,  and searched for a place to eat lunch and do what Napa valley does best, drink wine.

We settled in at the bar of a place called Checkers with very friendly servers and lovely selection of Napa Valley wines. 

Throughout the day we made it through most of Calistoga's sunny, friendly streets.

By the time we headed back to the hotel, pleasantly full of good wine and good food, darkness had fallen and the towns' twinkling lights had turned on one by one.

A beautiful end to a beautiful day.


Denver Travel on the Cheap


Castello di Amorosa: Napa Valley