Vegas Baby

Once upon a time, two Navy girls dreamed of having a girl's weekend. A weekend where they could do the movies proud. They would get pampered at the spa, stay in a suite, drink all day, party all night, meet cute boys and be left with nothing but good memories.

Well, my friends, that dream FINALLY became a reality. And it was even better than we imagined. 

As Ash had never been to the West coast (and I plan to convert her to it) we decided Las Vegas was the ONLY place to make our (naughty) dreams come true.

Being the planner that I am, I booked a 'girl's getaway' package at the Venetian ages ago. It was a great deal (but that doesn't mean it was cheap! just that it was worth it!)

Now, I've stayed in nice hotels before but the Venetian....well, it was just rich.

We booked a Bella suite, it's about 750 sq. ft and is just gorgeous! Not only were the accomodations to die for but the staff was wonderful. We were upgraded to a room with a view free of charge, simply because they had it available.

The first day we roamed the strip and got our tourist on. Little did we know that the strip is 4 miles one way. Fortunately, when you can drink anywhere at any time of day, you don't really notice or care!

We took care of buying tickets to.... THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER!!!!! If you don't know what that it immediately. Go ahead, stop reading this blog and google!! (or click the link;) )

I finally had an appropriate place to wear this dress.

This is the Excaliber. Thunder is performed here.

Some things that happen in Vegas, need to stay in Vegas. So let me just say that the next time we're in Vegas, we'll be seeing the boys from Thunder again. 


After the show we needed a little pick me up before starting our night on the town so we stopped at an O2 bar. We'd never done this before but MAN! does it wake you UP! And keeps the hangover away the next day;)

We clubbed at Marquee at the Cosmopolitan and, damn! Craziest club I've ever seen!! Check it out here : Marquee


Since we were hangover free the next day we had time to get mani/pedis at the Pallazzo spa (part of the getaway package). Quite a relaxing start to the day. 

Then it was time to get ready for one of the best nights of my entire life. We started off with dinner at Pinot Brasserie which was absolutely mouth watering! (and also part of the getaway package). We even got free drinks because the manager remembered that we had to change our reservation due to a resaurant buy out the night before.

Then it was time for Michael. Michael Jackson that is. Best. Show. Ever. I won't give anything away. But Cirque Du Soleil's One is AHHmaaaZing. 

And once again, Vegas luck was on our side. We had bought decent seats but ended up in the 4th row on the aisle because we were late and they had extra seats! Here's to getting to high five the cast and be up front!! WOOT!

Next a quick change back at the hotel and we headed off to Lavo. Did I mention BEST NIGHT EVER?! Looked good, felt good and partied hard. Like until 8am hard. 

Not that the club was open that late, we ended up at the Venetian hotel bar with some very nice Englishmen. I just want to say that if American boys were as nice as English ones....there would be no single women in this country.

(Don't worry, we didn't do anything inappropriate for two taken ladies. I really mean it when I say they were polite!!)

Our last day was....recovery. Not even an O2 bar could replace the need for.... IN N OUT!!! mmmmmm drooooollll.


And that is the end of the most amazing girl's trip to date. It has left me wanting more MORE MORE.

Ash is back in Virginia and I miss her like crazy. The memories from this trip will never be forgotten though...

We sort of commemorated them in ink. A spade for her and a heart for me. Nothing says BFF like a tattoo right? 


All I have to say is....Vegas Baby!! 

Here's to many more such trips!




Classy San Diego


I'm Baaaaccckkk!!