Boston Adventures

I recently was lucky enough to find myself in Boston with my lovely lady, Robin and I immediately fell in love with the city despite a rather nasty cold.

Of course, when on a girls only trip, it's perfectly acceptable to have cupcakes for breakfast.

Georgetown cupcakes for breakfast

We found ourselves at Georgetown Cupcake and somehow magically were able to snag the only table in the place. This place is completely worth the visit but if I were you, I wouldn't plan on eating inside unless it's during non peak hours.

Can we take a moment to appreciate how gorgeous these were? Almost too pretty to eat....but not quite!

georgetown cupcakes are a tasty treat in boston

Boston is such a perfect city for wandering around on foot. We walked among all the high end shops; Gucci, Prada, Armani, Tiffanys...and ogled all the beauties that we can't afford.

Even the rain couldn't deter us from enjoying everything around us.

We were out until long after the sun dipped down below the horizon, and Boston was even more beautiful in the night.

Once the rain started to turn to snow, we knew it was time to head back and warm up by the fire with some wine. But we had one last stop, the Michal Negrin store. I wish it had been open, but at least I finally got to see the dress I'd heard so much about!


We may or may not have made just a few tiny purchases before we made our way back to the Boston Park Plaza Hotel (which was stunning btw!)


That night we fell asleep exhausted from a long, wonderful day of catching up, sight seeing and shopping. A girl simply couldn't ask for more.

Have you guys been to Boston? What did I miss? Can't wait to go back!


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