Maine, A Winter Fairytale

We woke up in the center of Boston to find it covered in a blanket of snow. From the warmth of our covers the city was quiet and beautiful and timeless. 

After finally forcing myself from bed with the thought of coffee (Robin is much more graceful and less sluggish than I am in the mornings) we wrapped up in all of our layers and headed off on a roadtrip to Maine! 

I was going to get to see Robin's new home! After seeing the charm of her last home in Japan, I could not WAIT!

What I saw when we arrived was a snow-covered fairytale.

Ha, yes, fairytales can involve snow shoveling! Especially when you look that adorable. 

Her new place was everything I hoped it would be, a quaint little cottage house behind a historic manor. Set up above a vineyard with a view of the water. 

I mean, are you kidding me?! This place is just the cutest!

On a side note, these boots turned out to be perfect for snow. Much better than my rookie mistake wearing my water seeking suede ones in Colorado. oops.

my perfect winter boots in Maine

The inside just screamed cozy, welcoming cottage with a beach vibe. 

Honestly, any place that can have a beach vibe while being surrounded by snow is a winner in my book. 


If I could afford to be here all summer, my husband would be quite lonely from June to September because this is where you'd find me.

I think she's going to be extremely happy here.

I love this Maine porch

With a view like this, I think I might be able to get onboard with actual seasons, don't you?

Remember I said she lived behind a historic manor? Yeah, I wouldn't mind living here either.

Winter time in front of a beautiful manor home in Maine

Daybreak Manor// VS coat-UGG boots-Express Jeans-Iman bag

Although we could have stayed there forever planning furniture arrangements and mornings on that dream porch, hunger eventually won out and forced us into town. 

This little place called Sarah's Cafe was just the ticket for some hot soup and an obligatory Maine lobster roll. 

The perfect place to stop for a lobster roll in Maine

We spent the rest of the quickly fading daylight hours getting lost in some rather fantastic antique stores before heading back to Boston and it's lovely fireside wine service and the siren call of sleep.

The town in Maine that these pictures were taken in was Wiscasset, in case any of you were wondering.

I absolutely fell in love and cannot wait to go back again!


A Mariposa Birthday


Boston Adventures