Dirty Parts Festival

It's been all over blogs everywhere, the news is out. 

The time has come. It's festival season! 

It's concert season. 

It's summer baby!

Last Saturday was the Dirty Parts Festival put on by San Diego radio station FM 94.9, and it. was. EPIC!! 

I can't exactly pull off the Pinterest worthy, fringe-having, tanned skin baring type festival outfits that I love seeing on other blogs....so.....

X-Men is always a good alternative right? yup. Totally the same thing.

God, I'm so good at dressing appropriately it's not even funny. (or true. le sigh.)


But for reals though, who cares. This day was about the music! And beer. And sunshine. Damn, I love festival season!!

I didn't get pictures of every band that played as I was busy singing, dancing and just generally having the best time ever, but I got some pretty good iPhone shots.

Check out St. Motel!! You can tell they have a blast performing, and the drummer rocked some pretty sweet shorts straight from the 80's.....and we were not upset about it. 


It was hot as hell, but the crowd didn't even care. The festival took place at the Lakeside Rodeo grounds, so you could either sit in the stands or join us wild folk in the arena between the two stages. 


This next one was In the Valley Below and although I'd heard a couple songs of theirs before, I never really fell in love with them until now. 

Their voices are simply haunting, and the way they move...just mesmerzing. If you've never heard of them, check out their song Peaches, you won't regret it.


And the band I'd been waiting for....Big Data!!! They rocked the house like nobodies business. Not to mention they are stylish as fuck.

If for some reason you don't know them yet, please, please, please do yourself a favor and listen to their song Dangerous. And if you have a weird sense of humor like me, go ahead and watch the music video. I think it's hilarious. I hope we can still be friends.


It was pretty much a perfect day with some of my favorite people. 

Oh, and the cherry on top? Turns out the singer/producer of Big Data is a super nice guy! 

Aghhhhhh!!!!! So freakin stoked to meet this guy!!!


Kongos rocking out.


I couldn't have asked for a better day. 

If this festival happens again next year, you can bet your sweet bum I'll be there.

If you live in the San Diego area, FM 94/9 puts on all kinds of awesome events like this for really low prices. (check out Indie Jam!) In, fact my ticket to the Dirty Parts Festival only cost me $9.49! Check out their link here: FM 94/9 .

Are you attending any festivals this summer?? 

I'd love to hear about it in the comments below and if you have a blog, leave me a link!


California Country


Memorial Day in Laguna Hills