Memorial Day in Laguna Hills

The story of my memorial day weekend starts with beer, as all weekends should. 

A pre-race ritual beer in the lovely California town of Laguna Hills. 

Not my race, obviously. But this one here, the crazy one who runs for fun.

I was quite pleased with my rather cheeky glass.


And impressed by Gloria's preparation skills. I think I missed out on that gene as well as the want-to-run gene.


The weekend progressed to the part where I wake up ungodly early on a Sunday to cheer on this crazy chick.

Can you guess which part I liked better? The beer drinking or the early weekend wakeup time?

That's a rhetorical question, btw. Also check out my sweet gray hairs coming in. Hell yeah 26! We're aging nicely (insert sarcasm).

All joking aside, I was super stoked to send her off and watch all these people giddy up and take on the challenge of a 5K, 10K or a half marathon.


I had a much more achievable goal of walking two miles to meet Gloria at the finish line, and I was very impressed! I may not like running myself, but I do tip my hat to those that do. Especially when it's for a good cause like this one.


I saw quite a few interesting things while awaiting Gloria's triumphant return.

A man run a half marathon completely barefoot.

Lots of tutus...on both men and women.

Children who could run circles around me....for days.

And then.......I spotted her coming in for the finish!!


I wish I had some super awesome action shots for you, but she was faster than my camera :(

My little runner!!

And now, a word from the lady herself!!

It was not an easy race. The majority of the course is pure hills!! I don't recall the course having that many hills last year and I was not ready! My calves were on fire by the end of the race, and some how I ended up running 14 miles instead of 13.1. So either I maneuvered a lot through people, the course is not properly measured or I got lost... I'm gonna go with I got lost. Regardless, I still managed to crush multiple PRs :)

We found this adorable little french cafe after the race where we got our post-race face stuffing and it was AH!-mazing!


It really was a truly amazing little cafe. They were a little slow, due to being short handed but it was well worth it.


come closerrrrr...




mmm perfect. Don't forget to wipe your whipped cream mustache off.

now let's jump into some savory smoked salmon crepes.....*drool*

How about some good ol' butter soaked french toast?

I don't know about you but I get a little excited about food.

What a fantastic weekend. I always love a good little weekend trip, don't you? 

You can check out the details of the yearly Laguna Hills Memorial Day race here.

And you can find this delightful little french gem of a cafe here.

Where do you like to get away to on your weekends??


Dirty Parts Festival


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