Honeymoon in Paradise

Ahhh, Fiji.

We were greeted as soon as we arrived and driven an hour away from the hustle and bustle of Nadi and straight to the paradise that is the Intercontinental Golf Resort and Spa, right on the tranquil beauty that is Natadola beach.

The view from the check-in counter nearly took my breath away. We were officially in the most beautiful place I have ever seen.


Our room wasn't quite ready as we had arrived well before check in so we wandered the grounds and oohed and ahhed continuously.

As we wandered we realized why people always say that Fijians are the nicest people on the planet. Each staff member we saw welcomed us, wanted to know where we were from, if they could do anything and more than that were just generally cheerful and welcoming.

I simply can't say enough about how wonderful everyone we met was.

As if the resort, excellent staff and the fact that we were in FIJI(!!) wasn't enough, they happily informed us that we had been upgraded to a club suite, free of charge!!!!

I could hardly contain my excitement once we walked into the room, it was nearly as big as my condo at home!! And significantly nicer.

It had every amenity that I could ever have dreamed of, not to mention this little dreamboat of a balcony.

Yes please, I would love to bathe on my balcony while sipping*chugging* wine and looking out over the ocean.

I had, of course, drooled over these club suites on the hotel website but never, ever could have afforded it on my own.

And never could have expected a view as stunning as this.


Even after the long flight the Mr, and I couldn't sit still. There were so many things to explore here! After a quick talk with the concierge we were directed to the water sports hut. We rented some scuba gear and dove into the turquoise waters.

This may be an appropriate time to mention that if I could be a mermaid, I would.

I think he may agree, if his beard swaying majestically in the waves is any indication.

The reef was right off the beach so we didn't have far to swim to find things to marvel at.

So many fish under that arch!! So much coral! So much to see!

After our swim, we were starved and headed to the poolside grill, Toba. 

I had to get the obligatory drink with an umbrella, just to make sure that I was on vacation for reals.

Also, it was delicious.

As was my salmon bowl and the garlic tomato bread. Everything we ordered the entire trip was absolutely spectacular. And luckily for me, they make one hell of a good bloody mary here.


I never really understood the appeal of having a pool when there is an ocean right next to it. Now I have to correct myself.

Because the pool was wonderful! I take it all back, I could have lived in that pool. One of my favorite things about it? Adults only.

Don't get me wrong, I love kids but when you want to relax and enjoy each others company? It's a blessing.

With the jet lag finally catching up with us, we headed back to the room and ordered a couple of bottles of wine to help us wind down.

Of course the staff went the extra mile and also sent us some coconut macaroons along with a card thanking us for staying there, so lovely!


We settled in for the night and fell asleep far too early, promising ourselves it was only a nap and that we would wake for dinner.

We did not make it to dinner, but it was the perfect ending to our first day of our honeymoon, just the same.

I can't imagine anything better than snuggling into the covers in this tropical paradise, next to the man I love best in all the world, knowing that we have so many more Fiji adventures ahead of us.

But more on that tomorrow!!


Fiji's Sleeping Giant


Tea for Two and Horse Races Too