Tea for Two and Horse Races Too

I have to say, I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful person to spend my time with. Someone who really gets my love of going new places, and who lets me take her on new adventures.

Her? Yes, you read that correctly. I was talking about Gloria, of course!! My new husband isn't exactly the tea going type, much as I love him.

For my maid of honor gift, I found a bakery that MSN proclaims to be one of the best in the country, I'll let you in a secret.....they weren't lying.

Following that sign about licking that glass was harder than one might think!

It was one of the most adorable places ever.

I'm such a huge fan of teal and white decor, if you ever see my house...you'll probably be sickened by how much I love it.

But best of all....they do Sunday tea for only $25! And if you're feeling like you don't want to spend even that, you can do just desserts and tea for $15.

Sunday tea may be a pretty normal occurance for some countries (you luckies!) but here in America it's rather hard to find, so we get a little excited.

This bakery is called Elizabethan desserts and it's in beautiful Encinitas, California.

Such adorable little accessories for the tea service.

Glo did the first honors, her and her gorgeous ruby ring. (Family Heirloom so I don't have a link, sorry!)

The tea itself was quite delightful.

And the food!! All the desserts and some of the most wonderful sandwhiches I've ever tasted! It was so pretty that I almost didn't want to eat it.....Almost.

Seriously, these sandwhiches!!

Aghhh cake balls! Not even the thought of making sure my wedding dress fit could stop me from eating those.

By the time we were done, I was so stuffed that all I wanted was a quick nap. The chairs were so comfy I was well on my way to dream town in about 5 seconds.

Everything was so good that we bought a couple of boxes of mini cupcakes in every flavor they had so we could take them to work on Monday.

After our lovely morning tea, we headed down to Del Mar to take in a couple horse races. It was Gloria's first time so we donned out biggest, floppiest hats before heading in.

An absolute glorious day. You may have noticed but Gloria and I were rocking matching dresses in different colors. One of the most comfortable, floaty versatile dresses ever. Unfortunately, Express is no longer selling it.

As the jockeys and their horses warmed up, the crowds started getting excited, we placed out bets and waited (not so) patiently.

And I doubled my money! Unfortunately I'm not one to risk much money so I only made a dollar but we were both still so excited that we cheered our horse on as if we'd put 1000's on her!

It was a truly beautiful way to spend the day, I wish every summer day was spent as wisely ;)

If you have any other ideas of different things to do on a weekend in California, let me know in the comments below, I'd love to hear from you!


Honeymoon in Paradise


The End of An Era and the Beginning of the Next