The End of An Era and the Beginning of the Next


Well, it is officially the end of an era. Today is my bachelorette party, a day that I wasn't ever certain would arrive.

Looking back, I have to say that I have had quite a life on my own, without a forever partner. So many wonderful experiences with the people who make my life interesting, with the family that I've picked up along the way who make life richer with every passing day. And I can't completely speak for my soon to be hubby but I have a feeling he's experienced quite a lot of life in the time before me as well.

With that said, I've finally found that person who literally and figuratively sweeps me off my feet and makes my life better by just being in it.


So, in two days time I will get to call that man my husband, while (most) of the people who have worked so hard to make my life something to celebrate, celebrate with us and welcome the pair of us into this new era.

I can't think of a better weekend, spending the days leading up surrounded by all my lovely ladies and then culminating in the biggest party of the best people on the planet.

Thanks for letting me share a little bit of my personal life with you!


Tea for Two and Horse Races Too


Stone Brewery