Stone Brewery

I love sharing fantastic places to hang out! And today I've got one that will quickly become a staple in your rotation, Stone Brewery!

What's better than a beer and sunshine?

TWO beers and sunshine!

We recently spent the day at the incredibly gorgeous Stone Brewery in Escondido, Ca.

The day was spent among equally gorgeous people, enjoying ourselves immensely. Eating and drinking more than is probably respectable and laughing even more than that.

We were there to catch up with family, friends and to iron out details for the wedding photographer.

And drink beer, which Stone makes quite excellently.

We had such a beautiful time being ridiculous. Before we knew it hours had passed and we'd talked all the nonsense.

And of course, we were super serious and respectable the entire time.

hmmmm yes, respectable and sober as well.

However, Gloria was quite fashionable, as usual. (and her dress was such a steal!!! Under $20!)

My brother and I were particularly above any silly antics.

It was such a nice break from all of the wedding planning, scheduling and spending. In fact, to be honest, we may have let loose just a the teensyest bit....

At the end of a wonderfully golden afternoon, we cheersed to how lucky we all are to have each other and to all the great things to come.

I would thoroughly recommend a trip to Stone Brewery if you're ever in the area. They're located in Escondido, Ca but they also have locations in downtown San Diego.

They even do weddings and big events as well as having gardens and indoor areas for the casual get together.

My pictures were not good enough to do it justice but their food was as mouthwatering as the beer, and really, that's saying a lot coming from me.

I hope the next time you get together with friends or family, it's just as full of laughter. And please, let me know where you have your best reunions in the comments below!!


The End of An Era and the Beginning of the Next


California Country