Writer’s Block


In all reality, 2020 would have been the ideal time to get some writing done, maybe do some projects around the house, get into a less squishy type of shape. Even with working nearly 7 days a week through the lockdowns, I still *technically* had more time on my hands. What with the lack of social events and even places like parks and beaches closed, I was around at home more than ever.

Alas! I was not part of the productive, discover-a-new-calling group, but rather, part of the slouching and still-squishy but cheering-you-on-from-the-couch group. And that’s ok. I think most of us know that by now. If you don’t know that, let me tell you now; however you got through (and continue to get through) the pandemic, is perfectly ok! You know, as long as it wasn’t harmful to anyone else obviously.

That all being said, if it weren't for my lovely year and a half long stint with crippling writer’s block courtesy of Mr. Pan Demic, I wouldn’t have this beautiful new site to share with you. After finally ending the longest internal conflict over whether to even continue writing or not, I decided to go all in and just go for it. Why not? I’m sure I won’t be doing all the blog/website ‘must-dos’ correctly, but as a very enneagram one type of person, one of the biggest mistakes I continue to make is that I don’t present anything until I think it’s perfect. While that can sound like a good thing, mostly all it does is prevent me from ever producing anything at all. Which unless you’re building a rocket or flying a plane or giving someone bangs….is worse than producing something you don’t feel is quite perfect.

So, here I am. Writing to you, hoping you’ll find something to interest you and also hoping that if you don’t, you find what you’re looking for elsewhere.


The Witchery


Edinburgh, Scotland