Christmas in Glasgow

Technically, we traveled to Glasgow the day after Christmas. But Scotland still had Christmas markets and festivities in full swing. After breakfast the first morning, we made our way to the biggest Christmas market we could find for some cold beer and hot food.

Although it was cold and gray, it was absolutely magical.

The next day, we decided to go explore a rather less merry place, but one equally in my wheelhouse of what I like to explore when I travel —The Glasgow Necropolis. As I have mentioned before, the sun is late to rise during the winter here, so we were able to get to the Necropolis just as the sun reached the horizon.

Now the Glasgow Necropolis isn’t as old as some of its neighbors, but despite that it is still quite old to most of us Americans having been designed and opened in the early 1800’s. It may seem like a strange place to visit, I know a lot of people have bad associations with graveyards. To me though, they’ve always been so full of history! I love reading bits of ordinary people’s lives, the lives that didn’t make it to the history books but deserve to be remembered just the same.

Also, it can be fun to look for familiar names, anyone recognize a familiar name from a popular series in the photos above?

Now right next to the Necropolis is a piece of history that is just a tad bit older…the Glasgow Cathedral. The cathedral was consecrated in 1197 and has been in use ever since. It was absolutely stunning the way that only very old buildings with lots of stories to tell are.

I couldn't help but get very Harry Potter vibes from the cathedral (and yes I do recognize this as a consecrated church with no ties to * witchcraft & wizardry *). I mean, this looks just like Dumbledore’s podium, am I right?

I digress. We spent so long exploring the Necropolis and the Glasgow cathedral that by the time we were done it was time to search out some dinner. Since we didn’t spring for an international phone plan, we pretty much just walk towards places that look cool until we find a place we like. Use this approach at your own discretion.

It worked out pretty well for us, I have to say.

With full bellies and some unforgettable memories of new places, we retired for the night.

Until next time.


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Current Reads: Dash & Lily