Current Reads: Dash & Lily

By Rachel Cohn & David Levithan

I know! I know! I’ve started Christmas too early for some of you! But in my defense, I want to finish off the year with at least a handful of Christmas books in before the end of the year…and with my work schedule, I don’t have the world’s most time to read so I’ve really got to start early. Plus, if I start early, I can weed out all the books not up to snuff so that those of you who don’t plan on starting until after Thanksgiving (if you’re in the USA) can narrow down your list of Christmas reads.

So far, I’ve only finished the first book of this series; Dash & Lily’s Book of Dares. Honestly, it wasn’t much of a risk starting this book, I watched the movie when it came out last year and it was, hands down, the cutest Netflix Christmas movie of the year! And as with most bibliophiles, I almost unerringly think the book is better than the movie so like I said - minimal risk.

I absolutely adore the idea of the red notebook that they pass back and forth. When I was in school, me and all my best friends had a notebook that we would write in, draw in, glue quizzes and pictures of cute guys from magazines in and we would pass this back and forth to each other since we rarely had classes together. So I guess this brings back that exciting feeling of getting that notebook and just dying for a chance to see what would be in it that day! Of course I certainly wasn't cool enough or remotely allowed to do this with a boy so I’ll let the book tell you that (probably more exciting) version of things.

Like I said I’ve only read the first one and started on the second one so far so this post will be one that is edited as I read. As with everything I post in Current Reads, I want to know what you think! Have you read these? Seen the movie? Let’s discuss in the comments below!


Christmas in Glasgow


The Witchery